Live Your Life.

Live Your Life.
I support you to awaken and express your true self.
This takes courage and clarity.
Bruce Sanguin

Courage because you tried that once (maybe a long time ago) and got your heart-broken.
Clarity because trauma generates a fog of confusion making it difficult to see through to the true and beautiful you.
Bruce Sanguin

I support you to awaken and express your true self.
This takes courage and clarity.
Courage because you tried that once (maybe a long time ago) and got your heart-broken.
Clarity because trauma generates a fog of confusion making it difficult to see through to the true and beautiful you.
How Can I Support You?

How Can I Support You?
Individual Psychotherapy
Work one-on-one with Bruce to take a deep dive into identifying and dissolving the Core Unconscious Beliefs that are getting in the way of vitality, self-expression, and you being you.
Couples Work
Psychedelic Preparation and Integration
End People Pleasing Course
It's a lie.

“The false self is for survival.
The true self is for life”
(Andrew Feldmar)

“The false self is for survival.
The true self is for life”
(Andrew Feldmar)
Blog by Bruce Sanguin
The Elusive Mystery of Happiness – Part 1
Ever noticed that the more you try to find happiness directly, the more it eludes your grasp? My hunch is that this is because happiness isn’t properly a goal of life. It’s a feeling that happens when you get some other things right. The U.S. Declaration of Independence affirms that the “pursuit of happiness” … Read more
Are You Out of Your Mind?
I walk my dog between 7 and 8 am most mornings. We are grateful to live beside a gorgeous, off-leash ocean walk with mountain views across a strait. This stroll through paradise is interrupted by the screams of a homeless gentleman who does a version of primal therapy most mornings. The screams are blood-curdling and … Read more
Beyond the Brain: What Is Mental Illness?
I was shocked to discover that approximately 100,000 lobotomies were performed throughout the world, starting in the early 20th century and continuing right up until the 70’s. The heyday was the 1940’s. The procedure might seem both bizarre and gruesome. And it was both. But it was consistent with a burgeoning belief, still prevalent today, that … Read more
Dismantled: How Love and Psychedelics Broke a Clergyman Apart and Put Him Back Together
This book describes my healing
journey with psychedelics.

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