
The Great Purge

There comes a time in the evolution of the soul when you simply get tired of how you’ve been doing life. The predominant cultural vision for what constitutes a life falls short. You’ve watched your personality (ego) turn your life into a war zone. You’re tired of how invested you are in being right. You’ve … Read more

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Allowing Humility, Reverence, and Gratitude

I’ve given this post the title of “allowing” humility, reverence, and gratitude, because these are feelings that we are not able to manufacture. They are signs that we are making the transition from the level of personality to soul. Only when the vigilance of the personality to defend itself is relaxed are we able to … Read more

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Recruiting Your Spiritual Warrior

Nearby is the country they call life. You will know it by its seriousness — Rilke One of the archetypes that comes on-line when we begin to take life “seriously”, particularly our own life, is the spiritual warrior. My first experience of my warrior happened when I was in bioenergetic therapy – a body-oriented therapy. I … Read more

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Take Responsibility: Receive Freedom

The only way not to be a victim as we move through life is to realize that the current state of our life is a fairly accurate reflection of our choices—made consciously or unconsciously. I say “fairly” accurate because there are circumstances and outright evil acts that we obviously haven’t chosen. When an eleven year-old … Read more

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Grieving Heartbreak

Grieving is a highly underestimated core capacity of becoming human. Ungrieved heartbreak accounts for much in our life that never seems to change despite our best efforts. Until the heart releases the trauma that caused the heart to break in the first place, whenever we are faced with a situation in life that remotely resembles … Read more

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