End People Pleasing In as Little as 12 Weeks

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"I’m really happy I lived life."

Said nobody. Ever. On their deathbed.

Yet that’s what happens with people-pleasing.
We get so focused on what the other person needs from us that we forget to live our own unique life.
We perform a role in a script that somebody else has written.

Which is not just sad.
It’s tragic.

We didn’t show up to live somebody else’s life.
We’re here to express our most unique life.

In this free training you will discover:

  • The source of people pleasing

  • Why trying harder doesn’t work

  • Why setting better boundaries doesn’t work

  • Why doing what you want to do is not selfish

  • The single most important key to ending people pleasing

Sometime in the past somebody convinced you that you weren’t enough.

That you aren’t beautiful and radiant and legitimate just as you are.
It’s a lie.

The lie caused you to:

  • Say "yes" when you mean "no"
  • Hide your true self for fear of being rejected
  • Never express your own needs
  • Not speak up
  • Avoid conflict
  • Never ask for what you need
  • And then feel resentful

I know.
I’m a recovered people pleaser. I don’t do it anymore.


The Heart Self Method

I developed The Heart Self Methodafter years of research and personal healing. It’s a clear step by step approach to ending people pleasing and living your own unrepeatable life.

Now I want to share it.
With you.


This may not be for you if:

  • You are not ready to do the work
  • You are not spiritually open
  • You are unwilling to invest in yourself

But if you are ready, willing, and able then let’s see if we’re a fit.

End People Pleasing - my 12 week course

At the end of the webinar I will invite you to take my 12 week course: End People Pleasing.

Included in the course:

  • Over 50 video lessons
  • Weekly practices
  • Resources
  • An exclusive online community to support you
  • Two live weekly Zoom calls with me

I am passionate about supporting you to reclaim your authentic life by giving up people-pleasing in as little as 12 weeks.

Wolf eye

“The false self is for survival.
The true self is for life”

(Andrew Feldmar)

“The false self is for survival. The true self is for life”

(Andrew Feldmar)


Dismantled: How Love and Psychedelics Broke a Clergyman Apart and Put Him Back Together

This book describes my healing
journey with psychedelics.

Dismanteled by Bruce Sanguin


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