
When You Feel Like Giving Up

Not everybody is ringing in the New Year with unreserved optimism. For some of us, it’s all become a bit too much and all the New Year resolutions and positive affirmations to the contrary have a hollow sound, empty of power to make a difference. COVID doesn’t help. We’re getting ground down. The late psychiatrist, Scott Peck, opened … Read more

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What Is Healing?

What is healing anyway? To answer that question, we need to ask another question: What is a human being? Healing is recovering from anything that causes you to feel and act less than human. Which begs the question, what is it to be human? I was listening to a podcast in which the host asked … Read more

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The “I” and the “Me”

Ever notice that we seem to have more than one self at play? We catch ourselves acting spiteful, jealous, envious and petulant, status-seeking and driven.   On the other hand can be relaxed, generous and kind. What’s going on?  There are various ways and systems of thought to slice and dice this, (sub-personalities, parts, etc.) but … Read more

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Stop Trying to Change Yourself

You’ve tried everything. Therapy, yoga, positive thinking, meditation, exercise, and fasting. You’ve been on retreats that promised the kundalini serpent would rise up and awaken you. You’ve opened your third eye, cleared your chakras, done past life regressions. Maybe you’ve tried psychedelics. You expected that everything would change. But guess what, at the end of … Read more

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Siddhartha: Becoming an Individual (Part 1)

I intend to write this reflection in two parts, tracking the spiritual progress of our protagonist, Siddhartha, and then riffing on some possible meanings for our own spiritual journey. I must be one of the very few who had never read Herman Hesse’s classic novel, Siddhartha. It’s based (sort of) on the life of the … Read more

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