Starting Over

Spiking the Eucharist

I just finished The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name, by lawyer, Brian Muraresku. Usually when I come across a book with “Immortality” and “Secret” in the title I groan inwardly and take a pass. But this guy dug into the science of his subject. He was educated by the … Read more

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What Is Healing?

What is healing anyway? To answer that question, we need to ask another question: What is a human being? Healing is recovering from anything that causes you to feel and act less than human. Which begs the question, what is it to be human? I was listening to a podcast in which the host asked … Read more

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Siddhartha: Becoming an Individual (Part 1)

I intend to write this reflection in two parts, tracking the spiritual progress of our protagonist, Siddhartha, and then riffing on some possible meanings for our own spiritual journey. I must be one of the very few who had never read Herman Hesse’s classic novel, Siddhartha. It’s based (sort of) on the life of the … Read more

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I Shall Not Want

The most beloved Psalm in the bible is the 23rd, which opens with “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”. I always thought it meant that wanting was wrong. I read it as an injunction. “You shall not want”. If “the Lord” is my shepherd the spiritually realized individual shouldn’t want (or need) … Read more

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Healing Shame

In my last post, I wrote about the deep roots of shame. I was invited by a reader to write a post about how we exit the hell realm of shame. The first step is to realize, and I mean unambiguously realize, that we are not the cause of our shame. Which is to say, … Read more

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