Inklings Bruce Sanguin's blog

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Psychedelic Sacraments: A Magic Bullet?

By Bruce Sanguin | December 10, 2018

With the proliferation of research studies, along with media coverage, indicating the effectiveness of psychedelics like LSD, MDMA, Iboga, ayahuasca and Psilocybin to treat a wide variety of psychological challenges such as depression, end of life anxiety, relationship challenges, etc. there’s a burgeoning public interest in these substances. Then along comes Michael Pollan’s best-selling book, … Read more

Healing Shame

By Bruce Sanguin | November 8, 2018

In my last post, I wrote about the deep roots of shame. I was invited by a reader to write a post about how we exit the hell realm of shame. The first step is to realize, and I mean unambiguously realize, that we are not the cause of our shame. Which is to say, … Read more

Busted! The Deep Roots of Shame

By Bruce Sanguin | October 31, 2018

I had a terrifying dream a week or so ago, which I ended up taking to my therapist. I’d been selected to play a couple exceedingly difficult classical piano pieces. The problem is that I don’t play the piano. There is an audience of 200 colleagues who are eagerly waiting from my virtuoso display of … Read more

Interview for Spirit Plant Medicine Conference

By Bruce Sanguin | October 8, 2018

This is an interview I did with Spirit Plant Medicine Conference organizer and author, Stephen Gray, along with Marc Caron of Conscious Living Radio. We were talking about my new book Dismantled. Live Your Own Life Course Subscribe to my mailing list * indicates required Email Address * First Name

Nerves Mean “No”

By Bruce Sanguin | September 8, 2018

In the early days of psychology, emotional and psychological “disorders” were associated with our nerves. A “nervy” person today is thought to be somebody who either acts without fear (“nerves of steel”) or acts boldly but perhaps thoughtlessly (“she has some nerve”!). But the old timers understood that when it comes to how we face … Read more

How to Choose a Therapist

By Bruce Sanguin | August 18, 2018

I’ve made a few therapeutic journeys in the last few decades. All of my therapists have been skilled. But I would say that my last therapist, Andrew Feldmar, is a master therapist. What constitutes mastery in a therapist? In part, it’s time. He’s been at it for over forty years and has seen pretty much … Read more

Does the Universe Have Our Back?

By Bruce Sanguin | August 5, 2018

A wise teacher once told me that at some point we all need to answer the question for ourselves: is the universe for us, against us, or indifferent? Our answer needs to be more than intellectual. Only a handful of years ago I would have told you that the universe was definitely for me. I … Read more

Time, Timing, Fatigue and the Radicality of Relaxation

By Bruce Sanguin | July 20, 2018

The clock on the wall keeps a pushin’me That’s not the way I want my life to be If you take any pushing from that clock on the wall, you won’t be happy at all. —The Guess Who From the day we are born until we die we are pushed by the “clock on the … Read more

Suffering Our Way Back to Reality

By Bruce Sanguin | July 11, 2018

To suffer is to submit to reality. Sounds simple. But if we could do it, we’d all be awakened souls. I’m convinced that this is the wisdom that saints, and holy women and men, throughout the ages either stumbled on to or knew by direct download. The Buddha discovered it under a Bodhi tree. Jesus … Read more

Wishing Your Life Away

By Bruce Sanguin | May 14, 2018

When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are… — From Pinnochio Walt Disney took an original folk tale about a “bad boy” who endures humiliating experiences in order to correct his behaviour and turned it into the beloved version we know today. Probably a good thing since the original tale has … Read more


Dismantled: How Love and Psychedelics Broke a Clergyman Apart and Put Him Back Together

This book describes my healing
journey with psychedelics.

Dismanteled by Bruce Sanguin


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