When It’s Never Enough

When It’s Never Enough

Wolf eye

If you’re familiar with the feeling of “no matter how much I do, it’s never enough,” then this post is for you.

Most people-pleasers know it well.

There’s always one more thing you could do to make someone happy, to prove yourself, or to earn acceptance.

And yet, no matter how many times you push beyond your limits, it doesn’t fill that space inside.


Because doing more won’t heal what’s been hurting for so long.

This belief—this relentless feeling of “never enough”—is rooted in something deeper than the actions we take.

It’s an echo of an old story, often planted in us early on, that if we just try harder, we’ll finally be worthy.

But the truth is, no amount of doing can substitute for a true sense of being.

This is about knowing you’re enough because you are, not because of what you accomplish.

Today, I invite you to pause and consider this question:

What would it feel like to be enough, exactly as you are?

For many, this question brings up fear.

Fear of being “found out,” fear of failing if they stop the constant hustle, or fear that, without the endless effort, their worth will fade.

But what if—just for a moment—you could step back from doing and practice simply being?

Just sitting in the quietness of who you already are, knowing that enough is not a target to hit but a truth to embrace.

When we start from a place of being enough, our actions can flow from genuine desire rather than desperation.

And that’s the path back to the Heart Self—where you are free to give from a place of wholeness, not emptiness.

Remember, if you’re repeating the mantra no matter how much I do it’s never enough, don’t double down on trying harder.

You are not here to earn your worthiness.

You are here to live it.

With you every step,


PS. Whenever you’re ready, here are a couple ways I can support  you:

1. Free End People Pleasing Consultation: We’ll look at what exactly is going on in your life right now, establish best next steps for you to end people pleasing: Click here

2. Join my free Facebook  group: Achieving results on your own is very difficult. But with the right group of people anything is possible. Join this supportive group of people who are happy to support you on your way. Click here

Bruce Sanguin Psychotherapist

Written by Bruce Sanguin

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